
Sunday, May 16, 2010

My New Favorite Supermodel

It was around noon on a quiet, bright& sunny afternoon in Los Angeles. Everyone seemed to be in relaxed mood, except me , it seemed. I needed to feel better . So, I thought, what better way to feel better than to get pampered?  My nails needed different colors anyway.  I grabbed a novel, accented my navy blue strapless jumper pants with a washed-out  Levi Strauss jean jacket and headed to the train station.  The nail shop was full.

It was going to be a 40 minute wait, if, I wanted to have Sarah, my mani & pedi specialist, paint another masterpiece on my nails.She's definitely worth the wait. She's so gentle. I'm a sucker for the art of touch. So, I smile and slump my petite frame into the black arm chair and people watch .  I needed to pass time , reading my novel , " Eat , Pray & Love " seems like the appropriate, planned option. But, I needed a breather . Reading about depression , divorce, Italy, was not my idea of relaxation.

I stop my myself for a second and imagine what would make me feel a bit more at ease. A nice Aladdinesque fantasy will do , and on a magic carpet!

Giselle at her home in jungles of  Costa Rica

In dives a photo of Giselle Bundchen making a perfect splash into what seems to be from the top of the world. It is safe to say  Giselle , is sitting on top of the world . Armed with a handsome hubby , New England Patriots quarterback , Tom Brady, and being the highest paid supermodel, Gisele has no issues navigating herself through the waves of success..Which only got added bonus , when Forbes named her the 16th richest woman in the entertainment world. The Fabulous Life of Tom & Giselle. E! Entertainment, hint. hint. Lets you in on peak on just how hard Oprah had to work to make her billions.

As I flip through exciting and refreshing pages of April Vogue Issue, my love and admiration for Supermodels such Naomi, Linda, Christy, Claudia, Helena is  reawakened and so is my zest for life.

SuperUberModel Giselle Bundchen, yoga loving , mother, wife, entrepreneur, twin -sister is the girlfriend we'd all like to have. And Benjamin "River"  Brady is one lucky little boy. Thanks to a lazy day in Los Angeles,the fantasy, the land of the beautiful, I'd pleaded with the love gods to show me appeared in this 5 page pictorial.

This reminds me to give a love shout out to Vogue.  If Giselle wasn't a supermodel, the world would be one sad place. I'd be sad.

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xo The Mistress