
Thursday, May 27, 2010

RUN For a Cause

Stella McCartney

Stella McCartney was born to do this and that is, all things design. But wait, that's like everything in life ! Yes, Stella. Paul McCartney's daughter. Yes. That Paul  McCartney, a la the Beatles. That one British Invasion. whoa!!

To date, I am yet to find any design attractive, unless it has an organic purpose. I think I've said this before but she is as organic as they come.

Stella McCartney designed this work-out apparel line-----specifically , to benefit the Race for Life. A flagship event aimed at raising money to find the cure for cancer. Organically marvelous , Stella. Her mother's daughter .

Memba Linda ? 

Mrs. McCartney, the love of Paul McCartney's life. Miss Organic. The Vegan. Miss brilliant photographer who captured classic images of mega! mega stars, like  Jimi Hendrix, The Beatles,  B.B, King, Bob Dylan, Janis Jopelin , Aretha Franklin and and so much ore [ we apologize for not naming them all, but trust I have been a subscriber for over 2 decades!]  Linda's  'Portrait of an Era 'Sixties' by Linda McCartney'.  There is nothing like being as authentic as possible. such Grace lies in it. love . triumph . Great Job , Sarah.

All proceeds from the sale of the her Stella McCartney will be donated to to the Race For Life. A UK based cancer research charity solely dedicated dedicated to cancer research. 


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