I am not sure why people actually waste precious time debating Kim Kardashian's impending divorce from Kris Humphries after 72 days of marriage! It was obviously a fake marriage or maybe not. Considering , sister, Khloe Kardashian got hitched to NBA player, Lamar Odom in a month!!
And they are still married.
Mrs.Humphries on her wedding day
I definitely, believed it was a " real " marriage . A huge part of me was rooting for Kim . A Scorpio and Aquarius combination is not an easy combination. I know, because I am a Scorpio, in a 6 year relationship with a Aquarian, whose birthday , February 8th is only two days away from from Kris Humphries birthday, February 6th. And there is another Scorpio-Aquarian marriage in the headlines, Ashton and Demi . And you wouldn't have thunk it, Feb 9th. Aquarians will snatch their freedom. Fcuk what you were thinking. They are the true
rebels with a........." a cause to remain bad.' lool... Bob Marley was another one, Feb 6th...eesh. Give them freedom and they are all yours. That's all I can understand from all these " bad boys and ' Oh, James Dean, Feb 8th". lol
I totally enjoyed Kris Humphries in
Keeping Up with the Kardashian, because it did remind me of my Aquarian. I coincidentally have the same opinion regarding the name change . I love my name. However, Kris' reaction is uber hot, make me want to hit that sack , alreday, like " convince me dude".lol More
Kris Humpries. Tall, dark and handsome and we are not taking 5feet10. Try the 6's.
It's going to be okay Kimmy. Aquarians can be entirely too loveable and we know it's only a matter of time before you go running back to Krissy Kris.

However, the purpose of this post is not about Kim, rather , about glamorous wedding gowns worth writing about. Obviously Kim and Kris had a lovely one. I could not stop laughing at the cheap looking wedding a family member had for hers. Hey, but it's all about taste. Her wedding dress was HIDEOUS.Quite sad , how some cut their nose , only to end up spiting their face.
Elegant wedding. Fuck the excessively, puffy ball gowns. That is so past-tense. Lol!
Veil fit for a royal
Lovely gowns
These wedding gowns , I find quite elegant, unlike the high-school- like ball gowns, some brides select for their big days. Gwen Stefani definitely had a amazing gown for her big day, love the color contrast as well.
" I'm very, very hands-on. I sewed the rhinestones on the wedding dress today. It's my passion, and every bit of the collection starts here.” - Gwen Stefani
We dig it Gwen. we dig it.
With Love,
The Mistress .
A MakeUnaTellAm opinion.