
Thursday, November 3, 2011

Wish I was Brazilian.

The November issue of Vogue is simply spectacular for two reasons: Gisele Bundchen graces the cover and it is my month: All Scorpios Stand Up!

November issue, hit the stands 11.03.2011

It's no secret that I admire Gisele and whimsical opinions on just about everything ranging from birthing styles, meat and selfishness. Doesn't she just look phenom! on Vogue cover ? Of course--she is Gisele! Apparently, her toddler son thinks broccoli is a treat . Yes, Gisele is all Super FAB! How did she manage to wave a  magic wand to get her son believe, that broccoli,  is a treat? I couldn't do that to my son, he is entirely too bright! lol   It also appears, that ,  Mr and Mrs. Tom Brady  also have trust issues perfectly mapped out. This is what Gisele has to say about honoring her needs.

Gisele Bundchen and hubby Tom Brady were spotted walking hand-in-hand near their new Back Bay digs on Halloween night.-Boston Herald

'People think if you look after yourself you're being selfish, you know,but what Tom taught me - and he is a living example of this - is that in order to be your best, you have to honour your own needs first.' -Gisele DailyMail

I will not stop saying it, Gisele is my role model. She is a twin, like I am and ultra sweet. One would expect the world's highest paid supermodel to have a stick far up her ass, like many mortals who are yet to taste her level of success,do,  she remains earthy, ethereal and the dream sister, wife and now mother.

  Gisele in a Bulgari Ad

We celebrate you woman! ( In my Oprah Winfrey voice )

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xo The Mistress