
Monday, January 9, 2012

4 + 4 = Ivy Blue

Money talks and unfortunately healthcare providers should care very little about money, especially when their medical code of ethics does not allow for the type of red carpet which was rolled out for Beyonce and Jay-Z as they prepared for the birth of their new bundle of joy, Ivy Blue Carter. Don't get me wrong, it is a blessing when two people are able to welcome their new bundle of joy into the world, but, however renting an entire floor of hospital to give birth to a child is a bit extreme and Lenox Hill Hospital in New York, allegedly broke the code of ethics because $1.3 million is just too much cheddah to pass up .

 Beyonce ( pictured in Marc Jacobs dress)  and hubby, Jay-Z pictured in the streets of Paris, last year.
Allegedly, Ivy Blue was conceived in Paris.
Was this picture taken the morning after ?

According to reports via E!News , " According to several news outlets, Beyoncé gave birth in her own section of the Lenox Hill Hospital in New York. Per our own crack news team, Mr. and Mrs. Carter restricted the movements of other parents and patients during their stay. One new father told The New York Post he made four attempts to visit his baby twins in the neonatal intensive care unit, only to be turned away because of Beyoncé's unspecified VIP needs."

That's not even the half of the alleged reports, allegedly another new father, Neil Coulon,  was stopped from going to see his wife, who just gave birth to their premature twin girls.

Coulon said, "Three times they stopped me from entering or exiting the NICU and it happened once on Friday - just because they wanted to use the hallway," even going so far as to kick his relatives out of the waiting room since it was too close to Beyoncé's wing. Additionally, he added, "These are children with problems in intensive care and you're just going to take over the hospital like you own it? All I want is an apology … Nobody cares if you're a celebrity. Nobody is star-gazing. They just want to see their children." - NYDN

Basically, this type of rubbish should not happen at a health facility. Blocking out a whole wing was unnecessary.Meanwhile, in a typical artist fashion, oops, meant, scion of a Hip-Hop royalty, Jay-Z just released a new single in honor of  his little princess, Ivy Carter, aptly titled , "Glory ". 

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